Team Building Budgets: The Perils of Being Pound Foolish

Team Building  & Corporate Event Budgets: The Perils of Being Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Unfortunately, we're hearing it again. The "R" word is being used in news stories for Canada as well as some countries in Europe and Latin America.Canada, where I am based, is facing the double whammy of an erosion in its … Continue reading Team Building Budgets: The Perils of Being Pound Foolish

10 Team Building Trends for 2013

As companies formulate their plans for 2013, the good news is that team building is re-appearing on the corporate agenda. (In some cases, team building initiatives were placed in a holding pattern after the Wall Street meltdown in September, 2008.) What lies ahead? Savvy CEOs are waking up to the fact that team building can be a powerful arrow in their quiver as they attempt to hit key corporate targets and corporate objectives. This blog entry highlights key trends that are boosting the bottom line impact of team building. Unfortunately, not all team building trends have been positive. Companies also need to take immediate steps to reverse a number of trends that have undermined the effectiveness of team building.

Team Building in the Midst of Turbulence

What a week! First the debt ceiling crisis kept the world at the edge of its seat. Then, financial woes in Europe and concerns about the Euro and the Yen. Now stock markets around the globe are spiraling downward. In the midst of this, I uncovered more incidents of wasteful spending on playtime for executives and employees by companies with declining performance. Have some executives learned nothing from the events of the past 3 years? No amount of playtime, golf, jamming in a rock band, or other placebos can substitute for good old fashioned brainstorming to tap into the collective wisdom of your team.