10 Team Building Trends for 2017

Based on our experiences over the past year and what other team building consultants have shared with us when we recently did some benchmarking, here are our predictions for 2017. Just like last year, some of the emerging team building trends aren't positive or beneficial. Many companies still don't get it and continue to invest in activities and practices that have little or no impact on the bottom line.

Team Building: What’s up with the 2 Hour Team Building?

It's no secret. The time companies allocate for team building has been shrinking. My company's approach has been to deliver value and caution readers and prospective clients about the pitfalls of short team building. Yet, the timeframes are getting shorter and shorter. Lately, the most frequent requests have been for 2-hour team building. Even when … Continue reading Team Building: What’s up with the 2 Hour Team Building?

Team Building: 8 Initiatives for Executives to Boost Bottom Line Results

Executives who perceive team building as a cost-centre are missing the mark. When team building is perceived as a "nice to do" discretionary item on the income statement it can be challenging to discern the difference between team building and team activities that are strictly recreational. With the right approach, not only can team building pay for itself. The tools, strategies, and programmes designed through team building can generate measurable bottom line results.